1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH

Pharmaunternehmen in Leverkusen

1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH Adresse & Kontakt


Fixheider Str. 4
51381 Leverkusen

Häufige Fragen zu 1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH

Was macht 1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH?

1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH ist als Lieferant für Importarzneimittel tätig. Er importiert Markenarzneimittel aus dem europäischen Ausland und hat sich dabei auf ein kleines, ausgewähltes Sortiment fokussiert. Qualitätskontrolle, Umverpackung und Endkontrolle gehören zum Service.

1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH: Paving the Way for Sustainable Farming

1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH is a pioneering company that aims to revolutionize the agricultural sector with sustainable farming methods. The company is deeply committed to creating a more eco-friendly, sustainable, and efficient agricultural industry that benefits both people and the planet.

A New Approach to Agriculture

1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH believes in a fresh approach to farming that puts sustainability at the forefront. The company's innovative farming methods aim to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture while simultaneously improving crop yield and quality. They achieve this through a variety of means, including the use of organic fertilizers, crop rotation, and technologically advanced farming equipment.

Organic Fertilizers and Soil Health

One of the core tenets of 1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH's approach to farming is the use of organic fertilizers. These natural alternatives to chemical fertilizers not only reduce the amount of harmful substances that enter the environment, but they also improve soil health. Organic fertilizers enrich the soil with essential nutrients, leading to healthier, more robust crops.

Crop Rotation for Sustainable Farming

Another key aspect of 1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH's farming strategy is crop rotation. This practice involves changing the type of crop grown in a particular field each year. Crop rotation helps to prevent the depletion of soil nutrients, reduces the risk of pest infestations, and can even improve crop yield.

Technologically Advanced Farming Equipment

1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH also utilizes technologically advanced farming equipment to increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact. For example, the company uses machinery that can precisely apply water and fertilizers, reducing waste and ensuring that crops receive the exact amount of resources they need to thrive.

Contributing to a Sustainable Future

By adopting these sustainable farming practices, 1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH is helping to create a more sustainable future for agriculture. The company's innovative approach has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of farming, while also improving the quality and yield of crops. This not only benefits the environment, but also farmers and consumers.


1 0 1 Carefarm GmbH is a shining example of how companies can revolutionize traditional industries with sustainable practices. The company's commitment to environmentally-friendly farming is helping to pave the way for a more sustainable future for agriculture.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 03.02.2024